Study Away at PSU

网赌平台将外出学习视为教育的重要组成部分. The Global Engagement Office 能否帮助学生入门并获取他们可能感兴趣的课程的费用信息. 如果有任何关于费用和负担能力的问题,建议学生与学生金融服务部门联系.

FAFSA Filing While Away

The FAFSA 如果你在下一学年需要任何经济援助,必须每年提交吗.  PSU’s priority deadline is March 1. 如果你参加春季学期的课程,并计划在接下来的秋季学期返回PSU,不要错过PSU优先考虑的FAFSA截止日期3月1日. Please make arrangements to complete the application while you are away. This is your source for any PSU grants or scholarships, Federal work-study (which can be used once you return to PSU), and Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grants (SEOG).  迟交FAFSA的申请人可能只符合联邦直接贷款和联邦补助金的资格.

联邦和州法规允许使用联邦和州资金用于PSU授予大学学分的项目相关费用.  In addition, PSU permits institutional aid (i.e. PSU grants, PSU scholarships, 和部门奖学金)用于支付秋季和/或春季学习费用.

虽然大多数时候,出国留学的费用超过了PSU学期的费用,但学生可以申请 Federal Parent PLUS or student alternative loans to help meet any additional study abroad costs not covered by federal, state or PSU financial assistance.

Other financial concerns to keep in mind:

  • Students are billed a nominal fee by PSU for Study Abroad programs. 所有其他费用由留学项目提供者支付,并由学生支付.
  • 学生申请的任何经济援助将通过PSU的学生金融服务办公室进行处理.
  • Students are responsible for requesting their credit balance and paying their study abroad provider themselves; PSU does not pay providers directly.
  • 教师/员工学费福利获得者有资格用于海外留学费用.

PSU通过捐赠奖学金和年度奖学金为出国留学的学生提供一些额外的资助机会. Applications are available online through AcademicWorks. 有关更多信息,请参阅以下奖学金:

Barbara Willey Endowment For International Studies Scholarship -该捐赠基金为在网赌平台进行与其课程和专业相关的国际学习的学生提供奖学金和津贴.

沃特森·瓦斯卡克国际学习、研究和服务奖学金 -该奖学金旨在帮助PSU国内本科生和研究生实现出国留学梦想, through traditional study abroad programs, research abroad, short-term faculty­ led travel courses, internships, etc. Eligible students shall be in strong academic standing, according to the minimum standard required for study abroad, 并且必须参加有学分的海外学习项目或经历. The scholarship may be awarded for the traditional academic semesters, Winterim, or summer session as long as the program is credit-bearing.

Gisela and Paul Estes German Study Abroad Scholarship 吉塞拉和保罗·埃斯蒂斯出国留学奖学金的目的是为学术成绩良好的PSU学生提供经济援助,帮助他们参加德语国家的学分留学项目.  相信沉浸在不同的文化中是一种改变人生的经历, 捐助者希望PSU学生生活和体验德语文化,并进一步提高自己的德语水平.  Eligible students shall be in strong academic standing, according to the minimum standard required for study abroad, 并且必须在德语国家(德国或奥地利)参加有学分的海外学习项目. The scholarship may be awarded for the traditional academic semesters, Winterim, or summer session as long as the program is credit-bearing. 

Nancy Bailey Snyder '63 Semester-at-Sea Scholarship Fund -该奖学金基金为网赌平台参加海上学期计划的研究生或本科生提供经济支持,这些学生正在从事或打算从事教学工作. 合格的接受者必须是经济条件有限的入学学生,他们正在参加海上学期计划,目前正在从事或打算从事教学工作.  The award is made upon consideration of the applicants financial need and desire to broaden their world perspective through the study of and experience in other countries and cultures; subsequently, 它的目的是丰富接受者的教学作为这样的经验的结果.


Additional Private Scholarships for Study Abroad

The U.S. 政府认为,让公民更好地了解世界是很重要的,并提供奖学金援助,帮助大学生从事海外学习. Below are links to additional scholarship opportunities. 仔细阅读说明,因为一些奖学金确实有与奖学金收据相关的服务组件. Deadlines for applications may vary.

所有这些奖学金都是与美国其他学生竞争的.S.  为了更有竞争力,仔细阅读申请说明和查看申请截止日期是很重要的. 学生可能希望准备一份论文草稿,并由教师审阅。 the Writing Center (hyperlink to at Lamson Library or a study abroad advisor in the Global Education Office.

Possible scholarships are:

NSEP (Boren Scholarship)

Asia Freeman, Instiute of International Education

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

Fulbright Program for U.S. Students

Fund for Education Abroad


ItaliaRail Scholarship Program (for students intending to study abroad in Italy only.)


Other Study Abroad Funding Opportunities

Diversity -致力于提高参与和更好地满足不同和代表性不足的学生在十大平台网赌中的需求

Generation Study Abroad - IIE(十大平台网赌协会)为有兴趣出国留学的人提供的资源

Fund for Education Abroad -致力于增加美国学生参与高质量教育的机会, 通过提供助学金和奖学金减少财政限制,严格海外教育项目.